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Lab: Implementing RDS in Windows Server


You have been asked to configure a basic Remote Desktop Services (RDS) environment as the starting point for the new infrastructure that will host the sales application. You would like to deploy RDS services, perform initial configuration, and demonstrate to the delivery team how to connect to an RDS deployment.

You are evaluating whether to use user profile disks for storing user profiles and making the disks available on all servers in the collection. A coworker reminded you that users often store unnecessary files in their profiles, and you need to explore how to exclude such data from the profile and set a limit on the profile size.

As the sales application will publish on the RD Web Access site, you also have to learn how to configure and access RemoteApp programs from the Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access) portal.

You been tasked with creating a proof of concept (POC) for a virtual machine (VM)—based session deployment of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). You will create a virtual desktop template on a preexisting Microsoft Hyper-V VM manually with a few optimizations.


After completing this lab, you’ll be able to:

  • Implement RDS
  • Configure session collection settings and use RDS
  • Configure virtual desktop template

Estimated Time: 90 minutes

Lab Setup

For this lab, you’ll use the following VMs:

  • WS-011T00A-SEA-DC1
  • WS-011T00A-SEA-RDS1
  • WS-011T00A-SEA-CL1

User Name: Contoso\Administrator

Password: Pa55w.rd

Sign in to WS-011T00A-SEA-DC1 and WS-011T00A-SEA-RDS1 by using the following credentials:

  • User name: Administrator
  • Password: Pa55w.rd
  • Domain: Contoso

Sign in to WS-011T00A-SEA-CL1 by using the following credentials:

  • User name: Jane
  • Password: Pa55w.rd
  • Domain: Contosor

Exercise 1: Implementing RDS

Task 1: Install RDS

Install RDS using Server Manager
  1. On SEA-RDS1, select the Start button, and then select the Server Manager tile.
  2. In Server Manager, select Manage, and then select Add Roles and Features.
  3. In the Add Roles and Features Wizard, on the Before you begin page, select Next.
  4. On the Select installation type page, select Remote Desktop Services installation, and then select Next.
  5. On the Select deployment type page, verify that Standard deployment is selected, and then select Next.

    NOTE: Even though, we could have selected the Quick Start deployment option and have all three required Remote Desktop Services (RDS) role services installed on SEA-RDS1, you selected the Standard deployment option to practice selecting different servers for the RDS role services. Furthermore, the Quick Start deployment option will create a collection named QuickSessionCollection and publish the following RemoteApp Programs: Calculator, Paint, and WordPad.

  6. On the Select deployment scenario page, select Session-based desktop deployment, and then select Next.
  7. On the Review role services page, review the description of the role services, and then select Next.
  8. On the Specify RD Connection Broker server page, in the Server Pool section, select Add the computer to the Selected section by selecting the Right arrow, and then select Next.
  9. On the Specify RD Web Access server page, in the Server Pool section, select Add the computer to the Selected section by selecting the Right arrow, and then select Next.
  10. On the Specify RD Session Host servers page, in the Server Pool section, select Add the computers to the Selected section by selecting the Right arrow, and then select Next.
  11. On the Confirm selections page, select Cancel
Install RDS using Windows PowerShell

NOTE: We will now do the actual installation of RDS using Windows PowerShell. The previous steps were included to demonstrate how to install RDS using Server Manager.

  1. Switch to SEA-DC1.
  2. In the Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe command prompt window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: powershell
  3. In the Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - powershell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: $SVR=""
  4. In the Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - powershell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: New-RDSessionDeployment -ConnectionBroker $SVR -WebAccessServer $SVR -SessionHost $SVR
  5. Wait for the installation to complete, which will take approximately 5 minutes, and then wait as SEA-RDS1 restarts automatically.
  6. Switch to SEA-RDS1 and sign in as Contoso\Administrator with the password Pa55w.rd
  7. Select the Start icon, and then select the Server Manager tile.
  8. Wait for Server Manager to refresh.
  9. In Server Manager, in the navigation pane, select Remote Desktop Services. You might need to select Remote Desktop Services twice.

Task 2: Create a Session Collection

Create and configure a Session Collection using Server Manager

NOTE: RDS in Windows Server supports two types of Session Collections on a single RD Session Host: an RD Session Collection, or a RemoteApp Session Collection. You cannot run both session collection types on the same RD Session Host by default. Therefore, when you’re doing this exercise, you will first create an RD Session Host collection and verify that it works and then create a RemoteApp Session collection and verify that as well.

  1. On SEA-RDS1, in Server Manager, on the Remote Desktop Service Overview page, select Collections.
  2. In the details pane under COLLECTIONS, select TASKS, and then select Create Session Collection. You might need to scroll to the right to find this option.
  3. In the Create Collection Wizard, on the Before you begin page, select Next.
  4. On the Name the collection page, in the Name field, enter IT, and then select Next.
  5. On the Specify RD Session Host servers page, in the Server Pool section, select Add the computers to the Selected section by selecting the Right arrow, and then select Next.
  6. On the Specify user groups page, select Remove to remove CONTOSO\Domain Users, and then select Add.
  7. In the Enter the object names to select field, enter it.
  8. Select Check Names, and then select OK.
  9. Verify that CONTOSO\IT is listed under User Groups, and then select Next.
  10. On the Specify user profile disks page, clear the Enable user profile disks check box, and then select Next.
  11. On the Confirm selections page, select Cancel, and when prompted, select Yes.
  12. Minimize Server Manager.
Create and configure a session collection using Windows PowerShell

NOTE: We will now create and configure the session collection using Windows PowerShell. The previous steps were included to demonstrate how to create a session collection using Server Manager.

  1. ON SEA-RDS1, right-click or access the context menu for the Start button, and then select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  2. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: New-RDSessionCollection –CollectionName IT –SessionHost –CollectionDescription “This Collection is for the IT department in Contoso” –ConnectionBroker
  3. Wait for the command to complete, which will take approximately 1 minute.
  4. Maximize Server Manager, and then select Overview.
  5. Refresh Server Manager by selecting the F5 key.
  6. In Server Manager, in the navigation pane, select Collections, and then verify that a collection named IT is listed in the details pane.

Task 3: Configure the Session Collection properties

Configure device redirection settings
  1. On SEA-RDS1, in the navigation pane, select the IT collection.
  2. Next to **PROPERTIES, select TASKS., and then select Edit Properties.
  3. On the Session Collection page, select the various settings and notice how the collection is configured.
  4. Select Client Settings, and verify that both Audio and video playback and Audio recording is enabled.
  5. Select User Profile Disks, and verify that User Profiles Disks is not enabled.
  6. In the IT Properties dialog box, select Cancel.
  7. Minimize Server Manager.
  8. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: Get-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName IT –Client | Format-List
  9. Examine the output and notice that next to ClientDeviceRedirectionOptions, the following entries are listed:
    • AudioVideoPlayBack
    • AudioRecording
    • PlugAndPlayDevice
    • SmartCard
    • Clipboard
    • LPTPort
    • Drive
  10. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName IT –ClientDeviceRedirectionOptions PlugAndPlayDevice, SmartCard,Clipboard,LPTPort,Drive
  11. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: Get-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration –CollectionName IT –Client | Format-List
  12. Examine the output, and notice that next to ClientDeviceRedirectionOptions only the following entries are listed now:
    • PlugAndPlayDevice
    • SmartCard
    • Clipboard
    • LPTPort
    • Drive
Configure User Profile Disks for IT collection
  1. Switch to SEA-DC1.
  2. In the Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - powershell window, enter the following commands, one line at a time, and then select Enter:
     `New-Item C:\RDSUserProfiles -itemtype directory`
     `New-SMBShare –Name “RDSUserProfiles” –Path “C:\RDSUserProfiles” –FullAccess "Contoso\SEA-RDS1$", "Contoso\administrator"`
     `$acl = Get-Acl C:\RDSUserProfiles`
     `$AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("Contoso\SEA-RDS1$","FullControl","Allow")`
     `$acl | Set-Acl C:\RDSUserProfiles`
  3. Verify that each command executes successfully.
  4. Switch to SEA-RDS1.
  5. In the navigation pane, select the IT collection.
  6. Next to **PROPERTIES, select TASKS, and then select Edit Properties.
  7. On the Session Collection page, select User Profile Disks, and then select Enable user profile disks.
  8. In the Location field, enter \\SEA-DC1\RDSUserProfiles. In the Maximum size (in GB), enter 10, and then select OK.

Task 4: Connect to the Session Collection from RD Web portal

  1. On SEA-CL1, on the taskbar, select the Microsoft Edge icon.
  2. In Microsoft Edge, in the address bar, enter
  3. On the This site is not secure page, select Details, and then select Go on to the webpage.

NOTE: This page opens because RD Web is using a self-signed certificate that is not trusted by the client. In a real production deployment, you would use trusted certificates.

  1. On the RD Web Access page, in the Domain\user name field, enter contoso\jane. In the Password field, enter Pa55w.rd, and then select Sign in.
  2. If prompted by Microsoft Edge to save the password, select Never.
  3. On the RD Web Access page, under Current folder: /, select IT, and when prompted, select Open.
  4. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, select Connect.

NOTE: This prompts the Unknown publisher pop up window because certificates for RDS have not yet been configured.

  1. In the Windows Security dialog box, in the Password field, enter Pa55w.rd, then wait for the connection to complete.
  2. In SEA-RDS1, right-click or access the context menu for Start, select Shut down or sign out. and then select sign-out.
  3. Back on the RD Web Access page, select Sign out.
  4. Close Microsoft Edge.
Verify User Profile Disk creation
  1. Switch to SEA-DC1, and in the Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - powershell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: cd\
  2. Enter the following command, and then select Enter: cd RDSUserProfiles
  3. Enter the following command, and then select Enter: dir
  4. Examine the contents of the RDSUserProfiles folder. Verify that there is a .vhdx file with an SID (a long string that starts with S-1-5-21) in its name.

Exercise 2: Configuring RemoteApp collection settings

Task 1: Create and configure a RemoteApp collection using Server Manager

  1. Switch to SEA-RDS1.
  2. Maximize Server Manager, and in the details pane. next to REMOTEAPP PROGRAMS, select TASKS, then select Publish RemoteApp Programs.
  3. On the Select RemoteApp programs page, scroll down in the list under The RemoteApp programs are populated from SEA-RDS1.CONTOSO.COM. Select WordPad and select Next.
  4. On the Confirmation page, select Publish, and wait for the RemoteApp to be published.
  5. On the Completion page, verify that WordPad is listed in the details pane under RemoteApp Program, and then select Close.

Task 2: Create and configure a RemoteApp program using Windows PowerShell

  1. ON SEA-RDS1, right-click or access the context menu for Start, and then select Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  2. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: New-RDRemoteApp -Alias Paint -DisplayName Paint -FilePath "C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe" -ShowInWebAccess 1 -collectionname IT -ConnectionBroker
  3. When the command has completed, review the information about the published app, and then minimize the WindowsPowerShell window.
  4. In the Administrator: Windows PowerShell window, enter the following command, and then select Enter: Get-RDRemoteApp -CollectionName IT
  5. Examine the output of the command. Notice that you will get a list of all published RemoteApp programs.
  6. Maximize Server Manager, and then select Overview.
  7. Refresh Server Manager by selecting F5.
  8. In Server Manager, in the navigation pane, select the IT collection and verify that Paint is listed in the details pane under REMOTEAPP PROGRAMS.

Task 3: Run RemoteApp from RD Web portal

  1. On SEA-CL1, on the taskbar, select the Microsoft Edge icon. In Microsoft Edge, in the address bar, enter, and then select Enter.
  2. On the This site is not secure page, select Details, and then select Go on to the webpage.

NOTE: This page opens because RD Web is using a self-signed certificate that is not trusted by the client. In a real production deployment, you would use trusted certificates.

  1. On the RD Web Access page, in the Domain\user name field, enter contoso\jane. In the Password field, enter Pa55w.rd, and then select Sign in. If prompted by Microsoft Edge to save the password, select Never.
  2. On the RD Web Access page, under Current folder: /, select Paint, and when prompted, select Open.
  3. In the Remote Desktop Connection dialog box, select Connect.

NOTE: The Unknown publisher pop-up window displays because you have not yet configured certificates for RDS.

  1. In the Windows Security dialog box, in the Password field, enter Pa55w.rd.
  2. Wait for the RemoteApp Paint program to start, and then test its functionality.
  3. In Paint, select File, and then select Exit to close the application.
  4. Back on the RD Web Access page, select Sign out.
  5. Close Microsoft Edge.

Exercise 3: Configure a virtual desktop template

Task 1: Verify the operating system (OS) version

  1. On SEA-CL1, sign in as .\Admin with the password Pa55w.rd.
  2. Select the Start button, select the Settings gear icon. In the Windows Settings screen select System, and then select About.
  3. In the About screen, verify the following information:
    • The Windows operating system edition is Windows 10 Enterprise
    • The System type is 64-bit OS
  4. Close the Settings app.

Task 2: Disable unnecessary services

  1. On SEA-CL1, select the Start button, and enter services, and then select Services.
  2. In the Services window, right-click or access the context menu for Background Intelligent Transfer Service.
  3. In the Background Intelligent Transfer Service Properties (Local Computer) dialog box, on the General tab, select Stop.
  4. In the Startup type box, select Disabled, and then select OK.
  5. In the Services window, right-click or access the context menu for Diagnostic Policy Service.
  6. In the Diagnostic Policy Service Properties (Local Computer) dialog box, on the General tab, select Stop.
  7. In the Startup type box, select Disabled, and then select OK.
  8. In the Services window, right-click or access the context menu for Shell Hardware Detection.
  9. In the Shell Hardware Detection Properties (Local Computer) dialog box, on the General tab, select Stop.
  10. In the Startup type box, select Disabled, and then select OK.
  11. In the Services window, right-click or access the context menu for Volume Shadow Copy.
  12. In the Volume Shadow Copy Properties (Local Computer dialog box, on the General tab, select Stop.
  13. In the Startup type box, select Disabled, and then select OK.
  14. In the Services window, right-click or access the context menu for Windows Search.
  15. In the Windows Search Properties (Local Computer) dialog box, on the General tab, select Stop.
  16. In the Startup type box, select Disabled, and then select OK.
  17. In the Services window, select File, and then select Exit.

Task 3: Disable unnecessary scheduled tasks

  1. On SEA-CL1, select the Start button, enter sch, and then select Task Scheduler.
  2. In the Task Scheduler window, expand Task Scheduler Library, expand Microsoft, expand Windows, and then select Defrag.
  3. Right-click or access the context menu for ScheduledDefrag, and then select Disable.
  4. In the Task Scheduler window, select File, and then select Exit.

Task 4: Prepare the virtual desktop template by using Sysprep

  1. On SEA-CL1, open File Explorer. Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep, right-click or access the context menu for sysprep.exe, and then select Open.
  2. In the System Preparation tool 3.14 dialog box, in the System Cleanup Action box, select Enter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE).
  3. Select the Generalize check box.
  4. In the Shutdown Options box, select Shutdown, and then select OK.
  5. Wait while the System Preparation Tool (Sysprep) completes and shuts down the VM.

Results: After completing this exercise, you will have prepared a Hyper-V VM to be a virtual desktop template.